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I want to talk about biases, the media's reputation, and how people dont trust the government.  

damngina39 48T
34 posts
12/11/2020 12:20 pm
I want to talk about biases, the media's reputation, and how people dont trust the government.

I want to talk about biases, the media's reputation, and how people dont trust the government. I wont defend any point outside of the ones i am writing this post for because it is used as some argument ender, by saying that this person or this organization once lied that this is some "own" that people drop that is equivalent to saying "wake up sheeple!" and its fucking cringe. I also want call out a few other trends that seems to be prevalent in people that buy bullshit so easily from sources they liken to versus ignoring mountains of evidence from sources they dont because, well fuck them and they were wrong once and therefor forever wrong! I have already mentioned the poison of false equivalencies so I will not mention it again in this one.

numerology, iconography, hidden symbolism, pattern recognition:

I was listening to Jordan Peterson try to explain genetic spirituality by what he thought was the existence of the double helix in ancient artifacts as proof of it. I thought what I usually thought when listening to him. He is a charlatan and full of shit but then I thought about it a bit more and realized he was just like any other Qanon nutter seeing symbolism and patterns where there were none. Correlations that were stretches to fit some point he would never come it.

A sane person walks into a room and sees it as a living area, a schizophrenic walks into the same room and thinks its an "escape room" with hidden puzzles and iconography put there by people smarter than them hoping they will crack the code. Quit doing this shit, your life isn't the plot to national treasure, it is boring and you have no bigger purpose. I know it is way more exciting to think you can take down a pedophile network or crack a riddle that proves Biden is a reptilian inter-dimensional traveler, but maybe an exercise in pattern recognition isn't the answer and a cloud isn't a bunny and my guess is it wont be helpful to a fragile mind with no tools to decipher if something is bullshit or not.

So lets start with an example, the science world globally agrees that Covid is an issue, that masks will help mitigate the spread, and that a vaccine is on the way. Just because MSNBC has a neo liberal bias or the US at one point did inject black people with Syphilis(seriously wtf US Health), pointing it out does not invalidate facts or the truth of now. It is a dumb argument to say we can invalidate a whole country for their actions of today if it was ever ok with slavery, native genocides, etc, it doesn't work that way. All it shows it that a media organization or governmental wing should not be trusting blindly and on faith, I would say this goes for your cheeto leader as well.

You still have to prove your crazy ass theories outside of that and no amount of yelling FAKE NEWS does that. It makes sense that you could see a lying failure as beneficial when there is no real evidence of him doing anything to take credit for what he did. Another example is how the right will say he helped the economy, when no policies or legislation can actually be shown to have the effects it did. I don't even want to point out what they are bragging about is no longer true because of the pandemic but even before, not one policy or legislative action can be linked to the uptick outside of what we already know, it kept going up from when Obama was in office through no action of his own.

Well what about the leftists? They are in the same boat right? If the gulf of Tonkin was a false flag, if the CIA has a history of being involved in coups, then everything I can imagine is possible. 9/11 was an inside job, the sandy hook shootings were staged actors, chemtrails, the fires in<b> california </font></b>were death rays being tested by HAARP or whatever fucking dumb shit you believe. All the you have that are true, stop blind trust and faith, you still have to show evidence for your claims and you dont get to play hop scotch jumping to conclusions with no evidence and some janky correlations. This is a graph of how dumb linking shit is without causation:

The answer is this, anything that you believe should be questioned way more than another person's belief. Actually get deep into it, see how stupid it sounds to defend the idea of the vaccine chipping Americans. Come to the conclusion that most people do after pondering it for more than 3 seconds, that they don't need to chip you if you carry one in your phone, and that if they ever did chip you all it would take is one person being checked for a chip to blow the whole thing wide open. Quit shutting off your brain because you trust some people but not others.

I also have met people who can never admit the follies of our institutions and the outright malicious and deadly things they do, they will bury their head in the sand when you mention that the same reason the GOP passes laws is for their donors maybe are the same reason democrats do the same and that this is a bad thing. These people suck too and I have no respect for a person that can't call out their side because the fear that it will hurt their reputation. I think the CIA should be not be trusted. I think that people should understand the biases of the news they watch and make sure they are not duped into an echo chamber of one side. All the media failed us with the second Iraq invasion, most of our politicians did as well. I will say there is a difference between CNN bungling the news and Fox news working directly with the white house to make it happen but if Fox reported the sky was clear and I looked outside and it was, i would believe them on that. The past shows us a history but does not prove that someone will always lie and what needs to change is that you need to get better and sifting through it.

What needs to happen is not to avoid sources with biases but understanding them and having a toolset to sift through the biases and bullshit. That you should seek out the opposing arguments as well to make sure you are not being sold a bunch of bullshit. If you are the person who thinks your side is infallible, you are far too gone. If you think you shouldnt criticize your own side because so much is at stake, you are not far behind the first fuckers. Most of the left is viewed as a mess of infighting, to which I say we don't fight enough when we see the vanilla self serving shit that was trying to pass as a stimulus bill. No logical right winger would see the GOPs offerings as helpful to the common worker, that the exclusion of the stimulus check shows how much they don't give a fuck about you. On the other side, the establishment dems that wanted to sign it don't give a fuck either and both sides need to admit it.

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