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The Key  

Vvrooom 64F
44 posts
8/6/2021 9:17 am
The Key

Time. Again, I feel it's pull, like the tide; as it ebbs and flows, powerless to stop it. Unable to hold it back, like the passing of time.

It grows shorter now, with each tick of the clock. I watch it rush through my fingers, flowing like water over the sand, taking little pieces of me with it as it ebbs from the land.

How to make you understand what lies deep inside me? Does it matter? Is it worth what it will take to make you see me clearly? Can I withstand the storm it will undoubtedly unleash in me; as I bear my soul and the darkest part of me kept quietly hidden?

The answer lies deep inside. Locked far away from those that pry. I alone hold the key. Is there any worthy, someone like me to be trusted with keeping that one sole key?

Can he throw away his preconceived notions that keep him from following my words as they're spoken? Will he trust what I am saying? Will he have the knowledge to gain what he seeks because I will not always be within reach to give him the roadmap he needs to follow?

The fear weighs heavy like a stone. As I still walk this land alone. My future is unsure, my past but a memory that no one now knows, except for me. Dwindling like the sand that ebbs from the shore with each wave's crash then passing.

The tide crashes upon that stone and changes its shape forever. Each passing brings something new slowly, yet swiftly into view. A new awakening like the dawn. It tells me this journey has been long while it echoes the night siren's song.

Never my own victory song. Signifying it's time to rest. The way I yearn and long to rest my head upon a solid chest belongs to one who possesses the temerity and strength to keep on digging, seeking that one sole key.

Someone has offered to use that key to unlock what's been trapped in me and set it free. He battles against the fortress I built covered in point-like barbs that surrounds my soul. They are protecting all that it holds not only from the prying eyes but from the secrets stored deep inside me.

Like the tide as it ebbs from land taking with it the sand. I too feel exposed like that stone. The rough edges polished smooth like a mirror that reflects the light. But mine is dim and growing duller as I am left to wander, empty, alone without a course, without a home. Tumbling, roiling, drifting on the sand as pulled inexorably from land.

It's a pebble now that slips from the shore like the narrowing gap on a closing door. Losing its size, losing its strength as if it could ever resist the pull of the tide. It skips, it hops and tumbles as it's pulled along being drawn deeper as if by hands into the watery depths.

Like that pebble, my sight growing smaller, lost in the ever widening space that surrounds me. I am tumbling to my end. The burden is mine alone. There will be no knight, no one to break the fortress that surrounds that one sole key. It is not wanted. It is not searched for. It is not desired. I feel it's weight pulling me inexorably to the Sea.

I will find my rest, but not upon his chest. Only I would find comfort in that. So the tide will ebb and take me with it. The sea will open its arms to me and I shall rest. My time is at an end. I will not burden you my friend to give me something you cannot. To hear me, to know me, to trust me.

Because I stood before you with that key, that one sole key you could have used to unlock me. It laid in my hands open wide for you to take if you would have listened when I said take me. Listened to my words, my pleas, my shrieks of agony.

Uncomprehending you refused to give me the things I needed to keep me tied here. You were too mired in yourself to open your mind to something else. A heart so unveiled, naked, exposed. So foreign to you. You could not comprehend the jewel that stood before that one sole man..

How could you know? You never heard her words as they were torn from her soul. You could never judge their veracity because they were never told where your heart and soul could hear them. They were just left as an interpretation you read. What you wanted.

You built an image from what you interpreted. The same as we all draw our own story, images from words on a page. The author may write them; but, the reader interprets and turns those words into what they want them to be. Like all good tales this one comes to an end each interpreting what they will from its telling.

Nothing will be left behind, who she was, how she loved and what weighed heavy on her soul. The tide has come and like time it cannot be halted. Will it's pull finally succeed and take me? It is all a big uncertainty, our futures are not known.

I'll await the next chapter as it is slowly unveiled. A new knight awaits; perhaps, he will be successful in wanting that one sole key. It is uncertain. Will he hear my words that will help him to see, behind the mangled, jumbled missives, what I hold deep inside? His silence frightens me.

I will stand, barely tethered to the sand, feeling it ebb from 'neath my feet, loosening my foundation. I hold my breath and feel my heart thundering in my chest. My words confused, my mind perplexed, unsure of feelings never encountered, but the pull is inexorable.

Unable to stand against its pull. I put out my hand, hoping he sees that one sole key and chooses to take it and unlock me. Revealing the things that are hidden behind mixed up words and actions.

~ V 💋

13128 posts
8/6/2021 10:39 am

a very nice piece of writing

thank-you for sharing

Vvrooom replies on 8/7/2021 3:32 am:
Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.

Owatalife 67M
1711 posts
8/6/2021 5:10 pm

Very nice piece of from the heart & soul writing Ms V, good to see you again on these pages as I have always enjoyed your wit & sass.

Vvrooom replies on 8/7/2021 3:35 am:
Thank you so much for the kind sentiment. Perhaps, Hopefully, still, I will have more free time to devote to this. It has laid fallow for too long.

Vvrooom 64F

8/7/2021 3:31 am

Thank you.

~ V 💋

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