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PokemonyFolletT 53 / 52 / C
"Somos pareja, Pokemon de 48 (ella) y Follet Tortuga de 50 (el) en busca de nuevas aventuras junto a mujeres que quieran unirse a nosotros."
Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain
Standard Member
Last Visit: Within the last 3 days
Member Since: July 12, 2021

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Alsace, France
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Andalucia, Spain
PokemonyFolletT 53/C
Barcelona, Cataluña , Spain
Alguna mujer para San Valentin con ganas de hacer un trio?
Somos una pareja educada, sana, con estudios universitarios y con buena presencia. Ambos estamos ya vacunados. A Pokemon (ella) lo que mas le gusta es disfrutar de una mujer practicandole sexo oral mientras yo miro y la acaricio. Tambien, si se da el caso y siempre con el premiso de Pokemon, por supuesto, podemos hacer un trio en el que Follet Tortuga participe al 100%. Som una parella educada, sana, amb estudis universitaris i amb bona presència. Els dos estem vacunats. A Pokémon (ella) el que mes li agrada és gaudir d'una dona practicant-li sexe oral mentre jo miro i la acaricio. També, si es dóna el cas i sempre amb el permís de Pokémon, per descomptat, podem fer un trio en què Follet Tortuga participi a el 100%. We are an educated, healthy couple, with university studies and with a good presence. Both we are vaccinated. What Pokemon (she) likes the most is enjoying a woman giving her oral sex while I watch and caress her. Also, if it is the case and always with the premise of Pokemon, of course, we can make a treesome in which Follet Tortuga participates 100%. If you come to Barcelona don't doubt in contact us for a nice time. Nous sommes un couple instruit, en bonne santé, avec des études universitaires et avec une bonne présence. Nous sommes vaccinés. Ce que Pokemon (elle) aime le plus, c'est profiter d'une femme en train de lui faire un cunnilingus pendant que je la regarde et la caresse. Aussi, si c'est le cas et toujours avec le postulat de Pokemon, bien sûr, on peut faire un trio auquel Follet Tortuga participe à 100%. Si tu viens à Barcelone ne doutez pas à nous contacte pour une belle soirée. Siamo una coppia colta, sana, con studi universitari e con una buona presenza. Quello che piace di più a Pokemon (elle) è godersi una donna che le fa sesso orale mentre la guardo e la accarezzo. Inoltre, se è il caso e sempre con la premessa di Pokemon, ovviamente, possiamo creare un trio a cui Follet Tortuga partecipa al 100%. Se vieni a Barcelona non esitare a contattarci. WARNING: Any institutions using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects - YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION to use any matter of this profile, or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a serious violation of privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications.[B][/B][COLOR red][/COLOR][COLOR red][/COLOR][B][/B]

My Ideal Person Buscamos una mujer no importa edad ni fisico solamente tiene que ser una persona educada y que quiera disfrutar de nuestra compañia y de las caricias de Pokemon.

Busquem una dona no importa edat ni físic només ha de ser una persona educada i que vulgui gaudir de la nostra companyia i de les carícies de Pokémon.

We are looking for a woman no matter age or physical, she just has to be an educated person who wants to enjoy our company and the caresses of Pokemon.

Nous recherchons une femme peu importe son âge ou son physique, elle doit juste être une personne instruite qui veut profiter de notre compagnie et des caresses de Pokemon.

Cerchiamo una donna indipendentemente dall'età o dal fisico, deve solo essere una persona istruita che vuole godersi la nostra compagnia e le carezze dei Pokemon.

What types of sexual activities turn you on?:
Giving Oral Sex, Receiving Oral Sex, Sadomasochism, Toys (Vibrators/Dildos/etc.), Threesomes, Mutual Masturbation

What factors are most important to you when looking for a sexual partner?:
A little of each

Have you ever had cybersex?:
Not yet, but I definitely want to try it.

View more of PokemonyFolletT's responses

  • 53/52 / Couple (man/woman)
  • Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain
Sexual Orientation:
Straight / Bi-sexual
Looking For:  Women or Couples (2 women)
Marital Status: Attached
Swinger Type: Sex with others
Speaks: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan
Have Children: Yes. We sometimes live together.
Want Children: No
Our Trophy Case:
Birthdate: August 31, 1971 November 23, 1972
Relocate?: No No
Height: 170-172 cm 157-160 cm
Body Type: Average A little extra padding
Smoking: I'm a light/social smoker I'm a light/social smoker
Drinking: I don't drink at all I don't drink at all
Drugs: Prefer not to say Prefer not to say
Education: BA/BS (4 years college) Associate degree (2 years college)
Occupation: Area Manager nurse
Race: Caucasian Caucasian
Religion: Atheist Atheist
Bra Size: N/A 44 / 100 C
Hair Color: Salt and Pepper Black
Hair Length: Short Short
Eye Color: Inconsistent/Variable Green
Glasses or Contacts: Glasses Glasses